i love yakult

Alia writes:

I just rediscovered that Yakult is the best in keeping your bowel movement regular. And when you want to induce movement, then drink it first thing in the morning. Hehe. But then you’ll end up going to the bathroom in the middle of the day, so be sure to have tissue and a tabo in your office.

There were also rumors that Yakult could help prevent SARS. Then the rumor was printed in a Hong Kong paper and everyone their started panic buying the stuff. The representative of Yakult was so shocked that he had to make a statement. He said that studies haven’t been made whether their product could actually prevent or cure SARS, but it’ll help keep you healthy and less prone to getting the virus.

Yeah! Go Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain!!!

I’ve been getting homesick this past month and pretty much everything I miss about Manila besides my boyfriend and my mom is edible—I miss sisig, I miss mangga’t bagoong, I miss Chicken Bacolod’s inasal, I miss Chickenjoy, I miss Royal Tru Orange, I miss my tita’s ensaimada, I miss Yakult.
When I was in the first grade I was only ever allowed to drink one bottle of Yakult a day because my yaya was afraid any more than that would cause my intestines to explode, or something like that. I’d never experienced bitter envy in my young life until the day I realized my classmate Louis had an entire twelve pack of Yakult in her lunch box every single day, which she would happily guzzle during recess.
The bitch.

17 thoughts on “i love yakult

  1. omg, i love those. they are called yang le duo (forgive my awful pin ying spelling) in chinese. i LOVE THEM. they don’t sell those in chinatown? have you looked?

  2. you should also be able to find yakult in korean grocery stores, i think. they’re big with koreans. as for foods in manila – i truly miss those pork loin burgers on the second floor of greenbelt theater. oh lord, those were so, so good.

  3. James, wala na po yung porkloin burgers sa 2nd floor ng Old greenbelt cinema (greenbelt 1 na po sya ngayon.)What you find here now are Timezone arcade, Be Connected internet cafe, Cheesecake Etc., Rai Rai ken, Mobile one, and other cellphone and repair shops na pag-aari ni Claire de la Fuente.

  4. Lia – Yakult is available at Sunrise Mart, the Japanese supermarket on 3rd Ave and E 9th St (It’s above St. Mark’s Books).
    The homesickness comes and goes, but never quite goes away completely. And it shouldn’t really.
    – Sam (ex-NYU, homesick Singaporean)

  5. I’m sure there’s Yakult available somewhere in NYC… there must be! Or else come visit Seattle and I will buy you Yakult – we have it in several Japanese groceries here – I’d mail it to you, but I doubt it’d be very good for your intestines by the time it arrived 🙂

  6. hello! just saw this post now and realized that my post about yakult had wrong grammar (“everyone their started panic buying”). stupid me. anyway, i hope you find yakult soon. it’s sooo sarap and refreshing still. 🙂

  7. I love yakult too after eating bacolod chicken inasal. You miss that too right? 🙂

  8. I go to my local Mexican El Toro store for my Yakult… I’m drinking one as I speak ^-^ I didn’t know it helped you crap though… Meh i don’t crap enough anyways so i guess this is good for me! xD

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