dogswalk thanks

Jarvis at Dogswalk Against Cancer
On behalf of the American Cancer Society, Jarvis and I would like to thank the incredibly kind and exceedingly lovely people who sponsored us for Dogswalk Against Cancer on May 4th: Adriana, Andrew C., Andrew M. (a.k.a. Rory), Caterina Fake, Dan “Kiss My” Budiac, djacobs, George Kelly, Heather Champ, Heidi Gutierrez, Ranjit Bhatnagar, and Steven Green.
Because of their kindness we were able to raise a grand total of $450 to help fight cancer, so many thanks and much love to them, and all of you who sent us your best wishes and luck for the day. Photos from Dogswalk are here, for those of you who’d like to see them.

3 thoughts on “dogswalk thanks

  1. Aw…I’m all smiles and big grins now after seeing those doggie pics. It’s good to see more of Jarvis on the site. His hair is just amazing. I dream of hair like that!
    Good luck with him.

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