hasselhoff the swimmer

Paola Vaccari from Novara, Italy is surely one of David Hasselhoff’s biggest fans, if not The biggest of all—her David Hasselhoff’s Page by Paola has been around for over five years. She even has an interview in her collection from when he was shooting a shitty movie called “Legacy” in the Philippines in 1998, which is where this great quote is from:

That’s what I am. I’m a showman. When you walk away from a Hasselhoff concert, you know you’ve had a good time. And that’s what’s important. There’s a lot of pure singers out there who are really boring. They have no connection with their audience. When I’m in my concerts I just – I tear up the place. Knock shit down. You have one life, you live it. Cyrano de Bergerac says, “I eat life.” It’s important, you know? They’ll say, “Why do you have so much energy?” I say, “Why not?”

Yeah! You tell ’em, Hasselhoff! Tell it like it is.
Paola’s site is important to me because it has my all-time favorite photo of David Hasselhoff, a snapshot of him on the beach in Hawaii with two young fans in 1983. I love it so because it shows how quickly and how perfectly he can slip into his cheese ball classic intense sex symbol pose. If that isn’t talent, I don’t know what is.
My favorite series of Hasselhoff photos would definitely have to be “The Swimmer”, an exquisite photo essay shot by Jeff Riedel for the New York Times Magazine in 2001 inspired by the classic 1968 Burt Lancaster movie which was based on this short story by John Cheever. Alas, the scans on his official site are craptacular, but you’ll still be able to see how gorgeous the photos are, almost Crewdson-esque in how they’re lushly stylized and tense. I wish he would wise up and get the rights to sell them as postcards; I would never send anything through snail mail but those postcards ever again.

One thought on “hasselhoff the swimmer

  1. Buenas tardes yo soy una profesora de Telesecundaria, y desde que tenia 17 años a mi me gustaba este personaje, hace un año estuve buscando unos posters de él pero como no sabia bien su nombre pues no lo encontre. Pero me gustaria mandarle un gran saludo y felicitaciones por los programas que ha salido. y una invitacion
    para que si algun dia viene a Mexico , observe que hay una sierra, que es muy hermosa “La Sierra Negra” de Puebla, por que ahí, trabajo y vivo con unas personas que son maravillosas mis alumnos

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