golden girls live
Last Saturday I invited David, Alaina, Anil, Jason and Silas along to what turned out to be the most fun thing I’ve been to since I moved to New York a year ago: “The Golden Girls: LIVE!”
Four men play the girls in a reenactment of two (soon to be three) of the best episodes from the show’s seven seasons. You can see them at Rose’s Turn in the West Village (on Grove Street, a minute away from the Christopher Street 1/9 subway stop) twice a night on Fridays and Saturdays until December (when they move to another venue and start performing eight times a week), but make sure to call a few days in advance to make reservations as they’re always sold out. Peter Mac, John Schaefer and Darren Polito are excellent as Sophia, Dorothy and Blanche (Schaefer with make-up in profile looks uncannily like Bea Arthur—but then again, she’s always looked like a man in drag!) while Desmond Dutcher’s Rose still needs a little work, but “The Golden Girls: LIVE!” is hysterical and I guarantee you’ll enjoy it.
If you’ve already been to the show (or are just an insane fan) you can download mp3s of the musical moments they play in between scenes courtesy of some kind souls who put together “Meet the Golden Girls!” My personal favorite is “Miami Beach”, which has been playing in my head—complete with Blanche’s escalating “Girls!”—for the better part of the past week.
Those of you on the West Coast, rejoice, the show will be visiting L.A. and San Francisco for two month runs next year so you can see it then.
i’m so jealous. i’m coming to ny in november. i’m going.
I’ll go with you!
(This visit I will take you somewhere to eat where there are good meats — no more of Moby’s fake bacon and cheese bagels!)
the golden girls on dvd
Two days ago I met a guy who told me a few months ago he’d been in line to…
Thanks for your comments! The show is great fun and we move it off-broadway on December 10th for an open-ended eight show a week run! We change out the episodes then and we are doing the one where Uncle Angelo comes for the first time, and Phil’s funeral.
Thanks again!
new york again
so i’m heading out to new york city again at the end of this month. i know, i was just there in may, but i just can’t get enough. we’re already planning the big night to see the golden girls…
yeah i’ve heard that they did a live performance for Her Majesty while tha show was still on. was it funny? i ask because i was too young to go to it and at that time i didn’t even hear of tha show sadly. tha first time i heard of it was in ’95 it was on reruns on lifetime. and i’ve been watching it ever since lol.
My brother was the one to show me about the show and i just luv it!!!! i think its awesome i even have it on my website its just a great show not many of my friends no about it but i put it on my web (bebo) to spread it around cuz i think everyone should no so who ever is reading this SPREAD THE GOLDEN GIRLS AROUN!!!