, movable type

wau wau sisters at knitting factory

I first saw the fabulous Wau Wau Sisters in December when they opened for Kiki & Herb at Bowery Ballroom and loved them so much I resolved to take all my friends to see them sometime in the near future.
Well, the near future turned out to be last Wednesday when they headlined at Knitting Factory. Alaina, David and Adriana were my posse, and good fun was had by all. Highlights of the evening (apart from the gorgeous Tanya and Adrienne, of course) were crazy accordion man Corn Mo‘s cover of Queen’s “We Are The Champions” and Neal Medlyn‘s striptease. Not only is he the Paris Hilton of performance art, but his milkshake is better than yours. Also his legs would put any supermodel to shame.
My photos of the Wau Waus: see their Knitting Factory show or as Kiki & Herb’s opening act.

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