, movable type

i’m sorry, so so sorry

My second day at my current place of employment, I was happily chowing down on some fried chicken in the shared kitchen when the co-founder came up behind me and stared at my plate. “Oh, you eat meat?” she said. “Thank god you’re here, I thought we were going to be outnumbered by the vegans!”
And before you ask, yes, obviously I am working at a non-profit.
Anyway, today we had a mini-party to celebrate our lovely office manager’s birthday, complete with cake and ice cream—only the ice cream was actually soy cream. Double Happiness’ Rainbow’s Vanilla Bean Soy Cream, to be precise.
Against all odds, Miss Dedicated Carnivore here tasted it. And… it tasted like raw cookie dough—only much, much better. And not only did I like it, I liked it so much so that I actually went back for seconds.
Now I feel dirty for liking crazy vegan soy cream, so dirty and so guilty. I feel like… like I just cheated on cows.
cross-stitched cow by dr c.j. skidmore
Previously: my mom comes to terms, sort of, with my very first workplace-related injury.

8 thoughts on “i’m sorry, so so sorry

  1. But do you like it like ice cream, or do you like it like cookie dough? The difference between accepting a substitute vs. a tasty new treat.

  2. Good question, yukino! Having thought about it for all of two minutes, I think I like it as a tasty new treat. It’s exactly how I always thought cookie dough ice cream should be — ice cream that tastes like and has sort of but not quite the consistency of cookie dough, not ice cream with hard but chewy chunks mixed in.

  3. lia, I think you mean “Double Rainbow”. Double Happiness is a bar on the LES.
    I’m going to go shoot myself now for making that correction.
    that vegan ice cream was good tho.

  4. ailene, I think you commented on the wrong post! A little too much drinky drinky?
    finn said:
    I’m going to go shoot myself now for making that correction.
    As well you should! LES! Hipster scum!
    that vegan ice cream was good tho.
    So good that yesterday afternoon I had an intense craving for some and split a pint with David. So sorry cows! If it’s any consolation, I drink chocolate cow juice every night before I go to sleep and I’m not giving that up any time soon.

  5. Mm, cookie dough. I’m going to have to find some, I wonder if they have a Seattle presence? Though I spend enough time in the Lower East Side that finding Double Rainbow (and even Double Happiness) shouldn’t be a problem for too long.

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