, movable type

eugene levy

eugene levy
lia: i was so pissed yesterday
lia: i saw a preview and i was like, eugene levy! yay! i am watching that movie!
lia: and then twenty seconds later the damn olsen twins
andrew: haha you got Punked!
lia: fucking new york minute
Damn you, Eugene Levy! Damn you!
And damn all of you character actors I love for taking roles in shitty movies, ensuring I will stay awake long past my bedtime watching them on cable tv just to see you deliver ten short lines!
See also when good actors go bad, part one: Christopher Walken, with a special appearance by Stockard Channing.

6 thoughts on “eugene levy

  1. As much as I love Eugene Levy, I won’t be going to see the Olsen Twins movie.
    Y’know, in digging through the used DVDs over at my favorite used DVD emporium, I see that there already almost as many Olsen Twins movies as there are killer snake movies.
    Lia honey, if you want to get your Levy fix (as well as your Candy fix, your Flahery fix, your Martin fix, plus your O’Hara, Moranis, Thomas and Short fixes) … the first season of SCTV will FINALLY be coming out on DVD very soon. (Woo!)

  2. The Olsens probably drove a dump truck full of money up to Levy’s house.
    Damn those evil teenage billionaire freaks!
    Lia honey, if you want to get your Levy fix (as well as your Candy fix, your Flahery fix, your Martin fix, plus your O’Hara, Moranis, Thomas and Short fixes)
    Oh Chuck, you know me so well…

  3. Andy Richter
    According to a post on Angry Asian Man, Andy was on Conan recently to promote the movie and “he plays a white guy who is the adopted son of a Chinatown mob boss. On top of being a bad kung-fu artist a la “Beverly Hills Ninja” and playing the inscrutable treacherous villain, he’s got a friggin’ CHINESE CHING CHONG ACCENT!”
    Dammit! I love Andy! Someone please give him lots of money so he never has to do crap like this again. Please.
    There’s always Dumb or Dumberer…
    There’s always me just choosing to watch Law & Order reruns instead for the rest of my life…

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