hello kitty flowers
Posted by lia from Flickr.
Stewart and Caterina‘s photos from their recent Tokyo trip turn me green with envy each time a new one’s posted!
I have my heart set on going to Japan next year, which will be my first time there as an adult and, even more key, with a digital camera. Anyone want to come with?
Japan is my dream destination. I know I sound like a travel brochure, but really, I am aching to go there. Just the capsule toys alone are nough to lure me, nevermind the architecture, art, language, culture and everything else that makes it stand out. Sigh.
Sadly, I haven’t the funds to even consider sucha trip until at least a few years from now. But one can hope! I’ll just have to live vicariously through you and others like you who’ll post their pics for us voyeurs. 😉
I am SO THERE. My husband, however, is SO NOT. Apparently, at 6’4″, he fears resembling Godzilla as he walks the streets of Tokyo. I had my heart set on going to Japan this year, but the necessity of a new roof may have defeated that plan. Damn roof.
Take the digicam to Kinkakuji in Kyoto. You must you must. Mouths falling open are fairly common.
Me! Bring me!!!