i am inconsolable
So Anil and Alaina are moving to San Francisco soon.
I hate to be all me me me right now, when I know it was a hard decision for them to make, but screw that, my New York mom and dad will be lost to the hated Left Coast before the summer is over, and so I will throw a hissyfit and selfishly stamp my feet on the floor like I did when I was four. Who will prod me out of my lazy, antisocial shell on Sunday afternoons? Who will order tasty family-style feasts to fill my belly in Chinatown? Who will patiently listen to me whine about my dumb little issues or complain about stupid governments and how much I hate people and tell me everything will be okay and make me believe it?
It’s the end of an era and New York will miss you both lots, but not as much as I will.
Aww. Sigh. It’s too soon for me to start getting all choked up! We’re going to be back, ya know. Not just for parties while we’re living in SF, but also for good at some point in the not-too-distant future.
But we love you, you know. And we’re quite willing to tolerate fond of your inferior dog, too.
That last line made more sense with my strikethrough tags.
We sure do love you, Miss Liabu! There is still much gaming, eating, troublemaking, and fun to be had before we leave.
Like the great governor of California once said, “[We]’ll be back.”
good luck lia home alone ka pala soon! 🙂
How queer. I just typed in Cheesedip into Google and decided to try their “I’m feeling Lucky” button as I never have before. Your site came up!
Why Cheesedip?