, movable type

gruesome twosome

Choire linked to this on Gawker a few days ago but most of you probably didn’t know enough about Allegra Beck to know that you should be interested, so because I love you I am making sure you see this photo of Beck and her mom, Donatella Versace:
allegra beck & donatella versace
Also if you think Donatella and her perpetual deep tan are nasty, a tipster who’d worked with Jessica Simpson reported in a recent issue of Popbitch that she “has a wrinkly, leathery cleavage from too much tanning.” Which I totally believe from all the episodes of Newlywed that I’ve seen. Just imagine what her skin’ll look like when she’s Donatella’s age! Surely even George Hamilton would not approve?

11 thoughts on “gruesome twosome

  1. Never have two more disinterested people been caught on film!
    Well that’s an exaggeration, but good heavens are both of them stoned out of their minds?

  2. i know that the photograph you posted can’t show us a great deal of detail but, still, where’s donatella’s face? i went in search of some donatella close-ups and the results so horrified me that i may have nightmares tonight. thanks a lot, lia.

  3. Good lord, that girl’s legs are only as big around as my arms – MAYBE.
    Someone needs to tie her down and forcefeed her pancakes.

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