odds and ends
Too busy to write a full post but I also feel the need to unload a few random but important things, so I apologize for the haphazard writing of this all and the lack of proper segues:
Okay, so hello, can you see me? went pretty well but I’m not done with my thesis just yet—I’ve got to present in front of a panel of critics, my department chair, and whomever else feels like showing up on December 1st. Which is four days away. All my conversations lately have been much like this one:
ranjit: how’s the presentation-planning going?
lia: i just ate a packet of coconut cream-filled chocolate koala biscuits
ranjit: ah, good progress!
Yesterday I was so stressed out that instead of getting any work done I stayed home and ate all day: pasta for lunch (penne with pesto and BACON), pasta for dinner (very meaty lasagna), a bag of slightly burnt buttered popcorn and then the koala biscuits. I finally went to bed at 3 a.m. still painfully hungry after chugging half a bottle of chocolate milk, and the only thing I’d really gotten done work-wise was picking the font to use in my slideshow, Hoefler Text over Lucida Grande, the first time since high school I’ve ever voluntarily used a serif over a sans serif.
Many thanks to Megatron for having me and a few other people over for an intimate Thanksgiving dinner. Oh, and for making the very tasty salmon wrapped in BACON that went so happily into my belly. You can see a photo of us with our respective eyebags here, if you are so inclined.
Many thanks also to Chris for calling me on my cellphone Monday afternoon to check if I knew about the semi-secret U2 show in Brooklyn that afternoon. I hightailed it out of the doctor’s office after that and cabbed my ass down to DUMBO, and had one of the best nights I’ve had all year, certainly one I’ll remember all my life. You can see a photo of us both looking deranged post-show here, if you are so inclined.
Heck, while you’re at it, why not look at a photo of me and Vena also looking deranged post-show here? Thank you Vena for ditching work to come with, it wouldn’t have been half as fun without you.
Jesse James Garrett has returned to blogging, five whole years after he stopped. As Jay said in the comments, welcome back to the fold you helped create, Jesse. I look forward to reading your Hidden Agenda every single day for the next five years at least. (No pressure there!)
Congratulations to two of my favorite bloggers who’ve recently hit their five year anniversaries: Kevin of Ghost in the Machine and Miranda of Geegaw. Many happy returns of the day!
Months and months after most people in the US have forgotten they even have accounts, Friendster will be rolling out mobile services in the Philippines. My thoughts about this are so Shirky it hurts, so maybe when the semester is done perhaps I can sit down and write a paper about it. Or a really long post?
Jesus may own the last week in December but the first two weeks are Jonny Goldstein’s. Don’t try to fight it, you know it’s true.
I have a ticket to finally see Ted Leo & the Pharmacists on December 11, and two days later I get to finally see Cher. So much information about me can be gleaned from just that one sentence. Diagram away.
Oh, and before I forget: there will be a dinner & booze-type thing in the East or West Village on the 1st, after my thesis presentation. You should totally come!
I will be kicking off Jonny Goldstein Week at 9PM at the Knitting Factory after your thesis presentation extravaganza, so I won’t make the drinks/dinner thing. Enjoy!
That’s the beauty of Ranjit. I loved your project.
Thanks, Lia. 🙂
Oh, bacon and pasta! I think tonight I’ll knock up some pasta with a creamy bacon and garlic sauce.