I really do feel that one of the best things Flickr has going for it is that the very talented and hard-working people who build it have great senses of humor. I mean, how many companies do you know that would change the logo that appears on their pages to something like this in the face of rumored acquisition?
Anyway, here’s Señorita Caterina on the rumors:
We talked to a guy at Business 2.0 back in November or December—that was the start of all these rumors—and we got the sense he was fishing for a story that wasn’t there.
Of course this doesn’t surprise me anymore. Reporters have quoted Stewart as saying something I said, quoted me as saying the opposite of what I said, omitted the material part of what I said and published just the subordinate clauses….
But it’s still kind of fun having all these people talking about us. Makes us feel like the popular kids at high school. Who’s dating who!!!!