, movable type

the hoff calendar

the hoff calendar
A friend is someone who thinks of you when they receive a homebrow David Hasselhoff calendar in .doc format, and can’t wait to file transfer it to you over IM. Andrew is that friend for me and if you don’t have that friend, well, I’m stepping up to the plate and putting it up here for your downloading and printing pleasure: thehoffcalendar05.doc.
(Visitors to my apartment will perhaps recognize September’s pinup as being from the same photo shoot as the 8.5 glossy that graces my living room, bringing cheer to everyone who drops by.)

58 thoughts on “the hoff calendar

  1. Of course they are! If there’s anything The Hoff knows how to do best, it’s how to strike a pose.
    (Having said that I now desperately want for him to do a cover of Madonna’s Vogue. I suspect the resulting music video would be the best video EVER.)

  2. I made that punk. And how did he thank me?
    By ripping out my stereo and selling me off for scrap.
    I could have been a contender. I was eloquting lines before babies, cats, and Triumph the talking dog ever thought of barking them out.
    Now I’m reduced to sucking down oil cans with Herbie the Luvbug in Bocca.
    Thanks Hoff. Suck on my stick shift!

  3. In 2025, it’ll be Russell Crowe’s turn

    Hey, it’s only March, not too late to ring in the New Year with the 2005 David Hasselhoff calendar ! (July is for puppies!) There’s an explanation of sorts , courtesy of this pop-culture curious little blog.

  4. The Hoff walks into a bar and says to the barman, “I want you to call me David Hoff”. The barman replies “no hassle…”

  5. I think I like may the best. . . no, wait, October. . . Or maybe December. . . OH DAMMIT- how can you choose from such a sterling collection of Godliness?!?
    The Hoff for pope.

  6. The Hoff calendar proudly owns the toilet wall at my place. We are all very straight but something about the Hoff cuddling small animals first thing in the morning really gets your day off to a good start.

  7. The hoff has given the internet a whole new meaning for me luv the calendar i’m so stoked there is a whole 25 more days of July

  8. Do you know where can be kitt cars! if you know whudl you tell me? and how much is it?! I watch your knight rider film every day! and you are the BEST! i like you! i’m 10 years old boy from Finland. and when I grou up I be like you and I have KITT car!
    p.s. can you send email to me??
    bye bye!

  9. The Hoff! Always good for a laugh!
    Oprah had a show once, titled:”What were you thinking?” I think she should’ve had the Hoff on that show. What the hell was he thinking, wearing that hairstyle?

  10. The best thing about the Hoff apart from his manly good looks and his sexy body is his heavenly sweet voice, when he sings “hot shot city” he brings joy to our ears!
    We love the hoff…
    Sinead & geri

  11. there is alot of david hasselhoff fan out there, sorry to tell you guys & gals this the man can’t sing a lick. even my brother’s coworkers, said he can’t sing a lick. they don’t know how he make such number 1 hits. they said usa thinks he’s a big joke, I agree. the loser can’t sing. I pitty david hasselhoff ..

  12. The 2006 calendar on is sacrilege, if not total crap. Would like someone to post a Hoff calendar of real photos – the link above is dead.

  13. The Hoff violated me… It was the summer of 94. My family and I went to the Baywatch beach, I got to meet him and that SoB forced himself upon me… He made me call him the Hoff and to swore never to tell anyone… But I won`t shut up anymore! I`ll tell, I`ll tell all of you what he did. He stuck his fingers up my bum and called me “Pam”, he said everyone did it and I listened to him… He was my idol goddamnit!! Then he made me lick his balls and called me Kit… it was horrible… just wanted you to know…

  14. Hello David Hasselhoffs.
    my name are susen and I are 46 years and I Live in swden.and I are your fan.I have Look on your mucie vidoe there you sing Looking for freedom I think it are good movie.and I have see on tv when Baywatch go and I think it where on good programe.
    and I have see on Internet wich your muvie vidoe there you sing Hooked on a feeling.I under David if you have where in swden somebody once?Live you in LosAngles or?have you play in some second movie than Baywatch?
    begagna you get many fan e-mail and begagna you answer on it?I be in on Internet on one side there it be pictuer on you.I under how you Live if you have house witch swimingpool?have you house animal?I under if you feel too Dean Cain he play superman in Lois and clark?
    he Live in colorado and he have house in LosAngles also?begagna you meet your fan?I think that you are sweet also.I hope David that you can write to back to my e-mail.I think that you se nice oute.
    it there are my e-mail
    bay susen.

  15. Hello David Hasselhoffs.
    my name are susen and I are 46 years and I Live in swden.and I are your fan.I have Look on your mucie vidoe there you sing Looking for freedom I think it are good movie.
    and I have see on tv when Baywatch go and Ithink it where on good programe.and I have see on Internet wich your mucie vidoe there you sing Hooked on a feeling.
    I under David if you have where in swden somebody once?Live you in Los Angles or?have you play in some second than Baywatch and Knight Rider?begagna you get many fan e-mail and begagna you answer on it?
    I be in on Internet on one side there it be pictuer on you.I under how you Live if you have house with swimmingpool?have you house animal?
    I under if you feel too Dean Cain he play superman on Lois and Clark?he Live in colorado and he have house in Los Angles also?begagna you meet your fan?
    I think that you are sweet and that you se so nice oute.
    I tope David that you can write to back too my are my e-mail.
    bay susen…..

  16. Hello David Hasselhoffs.
    my name are susen and I are 46 years.and I Live in swden I are your fan.I have Look on your mucie vidoe there you sing Looking for freedom.
    I think it are good movie and I have see on tv when Baywatch go and I think it where on good programe.and I have see on Iternet wich your mucie vidoe there you sing Hooked on a feeling.
    I under David if you have where in swden somebody once?Live you in Los Angles?I think that you sinh good and you are sweet also.and you se so nice oute.I have one DVD movie box witch KNIGHT RIDER.I think it are one good movie.
    for you are so sweet in there movie think I.I under if you Live in house?how you play in some sceond movie than Baywatc and KNIGHT RIDER?I under if you are maryd?
    nice David I hope that you can write to back to my e-mail.
    it here are my e-mail
    bay David….

  17. I wish I knew how I could’ve gotten my hands on your calendar, damn! Well I think David Hasselhoff is great looking anyway, always have been, always will be! Will there be a DH calendar for 2007? Please let me know before hand, ok? I would love one on my wall so that I could stare into his gorgeous blue eyes & kiss his lips. I’ve done that before. I absolutely would love to meet David, I have a brother named David & that is my dad’s name, David John Sr & Jr.
    Since I love David so much & I have never had his music before, oh finally! I am getting The Very Best Of DH. I absofuckinlutely love “Du”, only heard it on the computer but mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! So sexy, sensual, beautiful! OMG! We have all loved the HOFF but I saw him first, so he’s alllllllllll mine! Thank God for being human!
    I love you David! Forever loved & yes he can sing just fine, don’t need my opinion.

  18. If anybody gets this calender for 2007 please please email me a copy – we have the 2006 on the office wall and we are loving it!! thanks ann-marie

  19. I saw this auction on eBay and immediately thought of this site. Do yourself a favor and check it out; it’s definitely good for a few laughs! Come to think of it, is this YOUR auction? 🙂
    In case the link doesn’t work, the Item number is: 140062656011

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