what would bree van de kamp think?
lia: “A computer expert who killed his 76-year-old mother on 5 February appears to have skinned her before taking to the street in the dead of night wearing her bloodied flesh, it was reported on Friday.”
lia: !!!
andrew: wow
andrew: everyone knows you don’t wear white people after labor day
This is quite possibly, the best title I’ve ever read for a post. The only other thing I can say is ewwwwwww.
Andrew wins the Best Response of All Time award. Congratulations, B.R.A.T.!
Another DUMB@$$ AWARD wiener
What would bree van de kamp think? (via Cheesedip) Man ‘wore slain mother’s skin as clothing’ DUMB@$$ AWARD wiener #212: Ronald Z. Well, EVERYONE knows you don’t wear white people after Labor Day, no? What I’m wondering is…
Murder is fur!
Best comeback ever. “A computer expert who killed his 76-year-old mother on 5 February appears to have skinned her before taking to the street in the dead of night wearing her bloodied flesh.” Andrew’s Response to this news? “Everyone knows you don’t …