, movable type

acts, balancing

Alison’s perfect description of something I’ve been thinking about lately:

i think my problem is that i’m smart enough for something as mundane as the average work week to make me contemplate the relative pointlessness of my own existence, but i’m not smart enough for someone rich to pay me to spend all day in a studio making things in the hopes that i’ll come up with something really cool. i’m not smart enough to be so distracted by my own ideas that i can ignore how stupid everything is, but i’m too smart not to notice it.

Post-grad school malaise, in my case, I think. It’s been weird these past few months to see half my school friends just going straight out in the world and doing all these crazy amazing things, and the other half basically using the hot summer months as an excuse to take our time figuring out what we want to do for the next few months/years/the rest of our lives, when the truth is that fall’s coming fast and we’re mostly none the wiser.
If someone had told me when I started college that a decade later I was going to have a master’s from the “Intergalactic Teleportation Program” instead of a JD and a small office in a big firm, I wouldn’t have believed them—no one who knew me then would’ve and yet here I am. Now I think: never mind ten years from now, where will I be in six months?

2 thoughts on “acts, balancing

  1. I went through the exact same thing last year when I graduated, didn’t help that I was already a year behind a lot of my mates and they were already settled into jobs!
    Another year down the line and I’m still in the same retail job as I did the whole way through uni!

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