, movable type

i feel love in the backseat

arcade fire vs donna summer
Most people would take the screenshot above to be representative of a schism within me. To that, I say: nay! Music I like is good music, good music is music I like, regardless of era, genre, production method or commercial success. Praise be to Anil for happily walking the road less traveled and teaching me to accept my inner self.
Anyway. I get to see The Arcade Fire again this Thursday, at Summerstage. As cool as it would be to see Davids Byrne or Bowie on stage with them for a song or two, how much more awesome would it be if Donna Summer went up and sang on Neighborhood #3 (Power Out) or an uptempo Crown of Love? How many hipsters there would have the will—or the gall—to refuse to unironically acknowledge the fabulousness of disco incarnate?

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