, movable type

no wonder

Heather Havrilesky in Salon, on my favorite show of last season (yes, before Lost and Battlestar Galactica):

So basically, “Grey’s Anatomy” is all about incredibly hunky men who need — really, really, really need and love and adore — the women in their lives, either because the hunk in question is struggling or he’s dying or he’s in a crappy marriage. In other words, “Grey’s Anatomy” is the most elaborate, skillfully produced pornography ever created for women. No wonder I feel like molesting charming heart patients and sneaking off with pretty married doctors when I watch it.

Part of me feels a little dirty that I love a show about, you know, the love lives of doctors, but to be fair Grey’s Anatomy is smart, funny and above all ballsy—the writers are unafraid to have their characters say and do horrible, stupid, painfully human things that can have you hating them and hating yourself because you know exactly why they’re doing what they’re doing because you’ve done it too.
All of that and Patrick Dempsey is really dreamy.

2 thoughts on “no wonder

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