shane king from living dolls
One of my favorite documentaries of all time is 2001’s Living Dolls: The Making of a Child Beauty Queen, written and directed by Shari Cookson. If you’ve never seen it, you really owe it to yourself to track it down, it’s an incredible look at the child beauty pageant subculture that will both amuse you and leave you dumbfounded at the way the children are treated and objectified. Rich of FourFour recently uploaded one of the craziest moments from the entire thing, pageant coach Shane King demonstrating a modeling routine for a four year-old contestant:
I have watched this clip approximately 321 times in the past two days.
Oh jeez that poor girl… maybe my parents were pretty normal after all
Do they really credit a writer for a documentary?
Not really a QUESTION, I was watching the doc. and just wondering if SHANE KING, is really SHAWN KING???? Please if there is any way you could find out for i would love it. I went to school with him MANY years ago in LUMSDEN, Sask, CANADA. And I would love to be in touch with him again. This is not a stocking or anything like that , I have a 19 year old son no daughters, and is definately not into modeling. Please if you could help me out I would be so GRATEFUL
Thank you,
Missy Gould