, movable type

half-cocked celebrity death conspiracy theory time

Okay, so Heath Ledger died today, in an apartment owned by Mary-Kate Olsen, that’s conveniently located a block away from both the Gawker offices and Nick Denton’s loft. The cops are saying it looks like a suicide, sure, but let’s pretend we live in the world of Ugly Betty for a minute and consider alternate theories:
Maybe Denton offed Ledger to give his flagging flagship property a boost? Or even better, maybe Scientologists killed him and are framing Denton for it, an elaborate revenge for Gawker publicizing that bizarre Tom Cruise video?
Really, almost any stupid idea one can come up with is preferable to thinking a smart, successful, handsome young guy with practically all the world at his feet just killed himself, and that he chose to leave his daughter, who’s so young herself that she’ll probably grow up not being able to remember him. Drugs are retarded and accidental overdoses suck, but man, that kind of suicide is for assholes.

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