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“give into the britney”

Favorite bit of FourFour’s latest America’s Next Top Model review:

“I cannot believe that there’s someone ON EARTH who’s so into being indie-cool that they wouldn’t own up to even having heard a Britney Spears song. And if that were true, wouldn’t avoiding Britney Spears’ frequently ubiquitous pop songs require a ton of time and effort? You want us to believe that you don’t care Lauren, but I think it’s obvious that you care too much. Revise and give into the Britney.”

I actually like Lauren a lot, because a) she takes great photos and b) most everyone I know and love is rebellious to the point of annoyance about something, but if Anil has taught me anything over the years, it is to not have any patience for when people are being snobby about pop culture. Also: “give into the Britney” is now in my lexicon.

2 thoughts on ““give into the britney”

  1. I once went on a blind date with a dude who told me he didn’t have patience for pop culture. I said “oh” and walked down the stairs to the R train.
    Needless to say we never went on another date.

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