dial a human!
Dial a Human! I super duper love this site and always forget it exists until I have to call Con Edison because their voice menus are so tedious; DaH! tells you which buttons to press and in what sequence so you can bypass the menus and talk to an actual person.
Dial a Human! That reminds me about Ingrid Ljungvist. She owned the farm next to ours, back in St. Olaf. She got so tired of the phone always ringing while she was out milking Thor, her goat (Ingrid named her Thor before she realized he was a she– but of course it was too late to change Thor’s name at that point, or else he would never come when you called her.). Anyways, Ingrid was so tired of the phone always ringing when she was out milking Thor that she sewed her phone directly onto her apron, so she’d always have it handy.
She was so upset when cordless phones were invented, because it meant she’d have to get a whole new wardrobe.
Of course poor Thor had died by that point, and she had a new goat, a girl named Karl.