20 thoughts on “nyu! tisch! itp!

  1. Whoa!!!! That’s GREAT… but remember – August in NYC is almost as hot as Philippines in April!!!!! ;P
    Good luck buddy

  2. Congratulations! Can’t wait to meetcha here. And my time a ITP was the most satisfying educational experience I’ve ever had, which is as high a compliment as I can pay.
    You rock!

  3. hey congratulations!
    my friend is graduating from that course this august. she says you won’t be able to help but enjoy yourself with ITP.
    btw, she says a lot (if not most) of international students are admitted to ITP so you’re sure to make some interesting acquaintances!

  4. Thanks guys! You’re all very kind. I’m excited and scared witless — only four months to prepare. Fuck!
    Caroline, if you go to New York, mi casa su casa!We’ll make Chris take us around and run our errands like a good boy. Heh.

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