r.e.m. at jones beach

r.e.m.: mills, stipe, buck
Last night I realized one of my life’s goals: I saw Mssrs Mills, Buck and Stipe play at Jones Beach. So good, so so good, even if it was so cold out that Michael Stipe jokingly asked the crowd near the water if they wouldn’t mind standing up to block the wind from blowing over and freezing him.
Thanks to David for coming with! He took this photo of me on the LIRR train home. And apologies to Jessica Zafra, whom I’ve never met but have bitterly hated from afar since I was sixteen because she got to fly from Manila to Hong Kong to watch R.E.M. play there and I never thought I would get the chance to ever see them.

5 thoughts on “r.e.m. at jones beach

  1. Hey cool. I fulfilled this lifelong dream too when I saw them play for free on Dundas street here in Toronto a couple of years ago. I guess they played a lot of stuff from their new album this time around though, huh?

  2. Just got back from the MSG show, and it was swell…probably the best I’ve seen (this is my 4th show – I saw ’em previously on the Green, Monster, and Up Tours.) I’ll post the setlist at GitM tomorrow, but it included Fall on Me and Country Feedback (my 2 favorites), plus World Leader Pretend, Gardening at Night, and a gaggle of other great songs. Kinda wish I’d gone to Jones Beach too, since y’all got Exhuming McCarthy. But all in all, an excellent evening. Buck, Mills, and Stipe are still in grand form, God bless ’em.

  3. I know that feeling too. It seemed like no one but Menudo would ever come to Manila in the ’80s. Run DMC was supposed to, but cancelled, breaking our hearts. Years later I finally fulfilled a teenage dream by flying cross-country to see New Order.

  4. I was lucky enough to see R.E.M. when I was 9 and 14 (back when they had more hair and the lyrics were less preachy) but I fulfilled a life’s dream when I saw Violent Femmes in London when I was 17. It was *fab*. Glad you had fun!

  5. What’s Happening In My Blogsphere: Tuesday, October 7, 2003

    Everyone’s busy doing “new and cool things” and I’m left behind working on my proofs. Cheesedip sees R.E.M. at Jones Beach, and pokes a finger at Jessica Zafra. Andrea Harner meets Howard Dean. Mark is busy getting drunk. The Wily…

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