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wau wau sisters + kiki & herb = good times

wau wau sisters
Last Sunday I got to see both the Wau Wau Sisters and Kiki & Herb with Chris, Sparky, Glenn, Andy and a few other people at Bowery Ballroom.
Chris did a great job of summing the night up so I’ll just tell you about my favorite part. We were right up at the stage so I got lots of photos of the Wau Waus and Kiki, and while I was trying to frame one of my last shots of Kiki as she was talking between songs she stopped and said,
Kiki: Excuse me, are you trying to take a picture up my skirt?
Lia: No, Kiki, just your legs! Your gorgeous legs!
Kiki: Herb, Herb, she just paid me a compliment. (to the audience) Remember, it’s not about how I make you feel, it’s about how I make ME feel.
We had a moment, people. Fleeting, yes, but still.
Runner-up moment was having my picture taken with Tanya of the Wau Waus. She’s incredibly nice and although it seems impossible she’s even hotter off stage than on—but (like Andy) I think I have a bigger crush on Adrienne. Their Sister Christian number finally makes the ten years I spent in Catholic school totally worthwhile.

One thought on “wau wau sisters + kiki & herb = good times

  1. Kiki moments are the BEST. The first time I ever saw them, she let me light her cigarette and then kissed me on the cheek. But my friend Deidre got a better treat – Kiki took a big swallow of her cocktail and then leaned over and said, “Ooooh! It’s DELISSSHus!” Deidre then stole the glass as a souvenir.

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