, movable type

battle of the titans

Linguist Amy Perfors, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, posted photos of men and women on the U.S. Web site “Hot or Not,” which lets viewers rate pictures according to how attractive they find them.

When she posted the same pictures with different names, she found that the attractiveness scores went up and down depending on the vowels, the London-based magazine New Scientist reported.

Men with “front vowels” in their names—sounds formed at the front of the mouth like the “a” in Matt—were considered sexier than men with “back vowel” sounds like the “au” in Paul, she concluded.

I know we all love science, so let’s try a little experiment, shall we?
Do we really think Matt
the math owie
is hottter than Paul?
My friends, the decision is in your hands. Vote once, and vote wisely!

12 thoughts on “battle of the titans

  1. Excellent!
    I was going to vote for you, PB — People ask themselves, can Lia resist a man in a lobster bib? And the truth is, I can’t — but now I’m gonna have to throw Matt a sympathy vote. Poor sk8ter boi.

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