, movable type

jonbenet’s pink sweater

If, in the midst of the media furor over JonBenet Ramsey’s newly-alleged killer and total creepazoid John Mark Karr, you’ve wondered why you haven’t seen the famous photo of the little girl in her bright pink sweater that was all over our tv screens and newspapers ten years ago—you know, the one so iconic you can even buy it painted on black velvet—a single time this past week, here’s the answer courtesy of AP Worldwide:
Sometime last week the original source decided to pull permission for this image and now news outlets are required to not just stop using it in current stories but to eliminate it from their archives and servers. I don’t know who owns the copyright of this photo or what the reason for pulling it was (money, maybe?), but doing it an entire decade after it’s already burned into all of our brains seems futile.

5 thoughts on “jonbenet’s pink sweater

  1. u should leave this poor girl alone…plz let her rest en peace she esh now in a better place and so yeah…do whats best and stop showing her off to the world…shes gone and hopefuli one day you will get et and start to notice….k fanx nd god bless!!!!! tata lala x0x

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