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super fat japanese cat

Papi the cat is so damn fat that his owners have to put him in a body sling with holes for his legs and pick it up force him to walk a few feet. That’s not why this video frightens me though. No, the reason it’s terrifying is because, at 27.55 pounds, not only does Papi weigh twice as much as my fat dog, but he’s also just about the amount of weight I would like to lose when I finally break down and join the gym next week. Jeebus.
[ via Japan Probe ]

2 thoughts on “super fat japanese cat

  1. poor thing needs to see a vet its gonna have a heart attack and die. it is like animal abuse to let a kitty get this fat…i foudn the secret to keeping my cats slim.. just buy them food they dont like. they go d stre at it two ro 3 times an hour til they finally get hungry enough they eat it. hahaha

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