Alexyss Tylor, on the importance of Vagina Power: “Cause if we are in a lower level of it, and we hooked on the penis power, and this man won’t even buy you some shrimp from Long John Silver’s – and what, that plate, what, $2.99?” (Thank you MetaFilter users for partial transcripts.)
i watched this all morning. better every single time.
I have watched it repeatedly, and can never decide if I should be laughing or crying bysterically…must be the penis power–cause my man is hitting the front, back, side and bottom, and none of this makes sense to me!
lia, is cheesedip down for good?
Well ….wow….She is very interesting. Her lucid manner in which she speaks her truth is something of the likes that I’ve never seen or heard, Love straight forward dialect that’s rooted in adding light where there was darkness.
Although her experiences are really not unique to her in the sense that they only have happened to her. Their are many women whom have had similar results from men of the ilk that she’s obviously has experienced , and I think she speaks a lot of truth on the power of a well seasoned sexually experiencded partner men fall victim to this phenomenon we call it being wiped. I think she could use a little polishing , but she has a provocative subject matter that always is open for discussion
I think Alexyss is one of the few women out here that really speaks her mind. And really knows what she is speaking about. Its nothing wrong with the penis power, just don’t be controlled by the penis into doing something so dumb and stupid….you’ll end up regreting later.
thnx so much for your voice A.T. your the best.