falling into vous
I have a confession to make, something that’s been churning inside me for a long time, waiting to be let out. There is a truth that needs to be told and that truth is this: I kind of really, really love Céline Dion.
One sleepless night years ago I watched Oprah’s behind-the-scene special of her Vegas show right before it opened and I realized that, as Rich of FourFour put it recently after watching her DVD special, she is “a fucking spaz. There’s almost a druggy effect due to her aforementioned goody-goody rep: watching this stuff, I felt high because I could not believe that boring old Céline was capable of being such a ball of weirdness. Her M.O.R. reputation is hilarious because she is, in fact, all over the road.” If you cannot imagine this, and believe me I understand why because I was once like you, all will become clear after watching this clips reel he put together:
Right? She crazy! You might not ever want to hear the Titanic theme ever again—no one does—but you can’t tell me that that is not a person whose goofiness you’d find endearing if you met her in the flesh.
P.S. Like Rich, my love does not extend to her music except for two songs—a good pop song is a good pop song, and I keep it real. The title of this entry gives the first away, feel free to speculate on the second one or confess your own affection in the comments.
P.P.S. If you too have love in your heart, you will find the Céline Dion Workout parody pleasing.