Author: lia

“a kind of stoned death stare”

Cintra Wilson has a fun piece on Salon right now about her first time covering New York Fashion Week (which I think she is actually at on behalf of the NYT as their Critical Shopper):

So I ventured backstage to ask irrelevant questions of the designers and ogle the gorgeous little girls with their hair in curlers: 8-foot-tall high school girls with the bones of model airplanes and the faces of 8-year-old children. Their thighs are the same width as their ankles; their arms no bigger around than a silver dollar. A model named Carly, age 15, quickly became my favorite—an entirely sweet, corn-fed child. She is becoming famous on the runway for jutting out her tiny hips, leaning her shoulder blades to curve at a 30-degree angle over her 6-inch heels, stupefying her already bewildered expression into “someone slipped a Darvon in my Mountain Dew” and stomping down the catwalk looking like a zombie Slovakian sex slave.

Pretty sure the model she refers to is Karlie Kloss, whose signature walk Amy Odell of New York Magazine describes as featuring “a kind of stoned death stare; she moves in slow motion, swaying her head from side to side in such a way that if laser beams were to suddenly shoot out of her eyes—and we suspect they might any minute now—she would obliterate everyone in the first two rows.” Apparently Tyra Banks does not approve of her walk, which you know, makes me kind of really love it without even having seen it.

welcome to the fold, christian!

Victorya Hong finally got Auf’d on last night’s Project Runway, and so after YiMay and I got over being upset that the lone Asian on the show was now gone—about five seconds—we decided it was time to adopt Christian Siriano as one of us.


He thinks Asians are fierce, and we think he’s pretty fierce, so hey, welcome to the fold, Christian, you Honorary Fierce Asian you!

half-cocked celebrity death conspiracy theory time

Okay, so Heath Ledger died today, in an apartment owned by Mary-Kate Olsen, that’s conveniently located a block away from both the Gawker offices and Nick Denton’s loft. The cops are saying it looks like a suicide, sure, but let’s pretend we live in the world of Ugly Betty for a minute and consider alternate theories:
Maybe Denton offed Ledger to give his flagging flagship property a boost? Or even better, maybe Scientologists killed him and are framing Denton for it, an elaborate revenge for Gawker publicizing that bizarre Tom Cruise video?
Really, almost any stupid idea one can come up with is preferable to thinking a smart, successful, handsome young guy with practically all the world at his feet just killed himself, and that he chose to leave his daughter, who’s so young herself that she’ll probably grow up not being able to remember him. Drugs are retarded and accidental overdoses suck, but man, that kind of suicide is for assholes.

conan o’brien’s writers strike diary

Conan’s Strike Diary: “DAY 12 Tragedy! A power surge fries my DVR, destroying my meager larder of scripted shows. With little to sustain me, I am forced to subsist entirely on Reality Television. I gorge myself on marathons of The Real Housewives of Orange County and Flavor of Love, then collapse in a wretched heap. If this is living, I welcome death.”

dreamhost billing issues

I wasn’t affected by Dreamhost’s massive money fuckup today because I’m fairly paranoid as a result of watching The X-Files as a teenager and never trust companies to auto-bill correctly, so hey, thanks Chris Carter!
Anyway, the mystery that’s currently got me going is how a company that’s gotten as big as Dreamhost has over the past couple of years still let the guy who runs the Groo the Wanderer mailing list anywhere near the billing. Has no one else there ever read the damn book? Clearly this disaster was an inevitability.

a new model for conflict resolution

As I told Andrew earlier, I think from now on this is how we should settle all those fights that we don’t have:

A New MTV Show: Dance Justice

A new show where disputes are settled by a winner takes all dance off! We are looking for different situations; best friend dented your car and won’t pay you back, your boyfriend or girlfriend ditched you after you bought them expensive concert tickets and they never paid you back etc, or maybe you have an old score to settle.

You will each be trained by a professional dance instructor/ choreographer, and then you will come on the show and have a dance off in front of a judge to prove your case.

Casting fun, hip, energetic people 18 & over who are local to the Southern California area that want to put an end to their REAL problems.

Both parties will receive a $250.00 appearance fee.
Winner will receive up to $500.00 for winning their case.

To be considered email your name, age, all your contact info, and a description of your case.

Send to:

Ask yourself: what would Martin Luther King do?