Is it wrong that I saw this sign from and immediately wanted the text on a pair of panties? [ via Boing Boing ]
This cake was spotted by bunchofpants at the North Carolina State Fair cake decorating competition. It’s whimsical and yet, also so logical. My favorite thing (aside from the stick of butter) is the “Hey y’all” at the bottom, totally note-perfect. I think I want a replica for my next birthday.
Previously: Paula Deen Is Trying To Kill Us.
“Remember, Technoviking does not dance to the music, the music dances to Technoviking.” The man himself makes his appearance 39 seconds in and it just keeps getting better and better. Damn Andrew sent me a link to this video almost two weeks ago and I’m still not over it.
Five Ways Jane Austen Never Died, by Samantha Henderson: “Cassandra is away, visiting our brother and sister and their innumerable brood. My mother is nursing a migraine with her feet up on the best sofa in the parlor. And Jane is coming up the stairs. I draw my modified Glock and stand, waiting in the shadows.” Short, sweet, and so very, very good. [ via kfan ]
Henderson links to her web-available stories at her site,, so you should go over there and read them all post-haste! Shoo!
Morbid Anatomy: Surveying the Interstices of Art and Medicine, Death and Culture is my new favorite blog, I think. Agent Scully would approve. [ via MetaFilter ]
Why do I keep forgetting how much I enjoy Lewis Black’s stand-up? I caught his most recent HBO special tonight, 2006’s Red, White & Screwed, and was charmed all over again by his curmudgeonliness. One theme of the show is how Black, a legendary pottymouth, is annoyed by having to tiptoe around cussing. He says,
There is no such thing as bad language. I don’t believe that anymore. It’s ridiculous. They call it a debasing of the language. No! We are adults. These are the words we use to express frustration, rage, and anger… in order that we don’t pick up a tire and beat the shit out of someone.
This is for Andrew, to watch when he is tense, but you can watch it too. If only we could watch it forever.
Lula Fink’s subject lines last week:
- I just started having sex, and my boyfriend keeps popping out when we do it.
- My boyfriend’s prick keeps slipping out.
- I just started dating a guy I like, but his putz is on the small side and doesn’t really satisfy me
- Can you tell me what’s wrong, and how we can fix it?
Lula Fink’s subject lines this week:
- My boyfriend’s prick is too big for my mouth.
- My new guy’s tool is enormous, and my mouth is tiny.
- My boyfriend’s phallus is too big for my mouth.
- When I tried to give him oral sex, I practically choked. How do I do it without gagging? Please help!
My pal Ranjit built a theremin-playing robot named Lev and taught it to cover Gnarls Barkley. It is better than you can imagine.