Every once in a while, when I’m a little down, I remember that the tabloid press in Hannibal refers to him and Will Graham as “murder husbands” and I lol myself back to life.
Also good for reviving lols: remembering how Will and Bedelia du Maurier are so incredibly jealous of one another later on in S3 over the affections of someone whom they both know *plans to eventually eat them* that they can’t stop sniping at each other. What fucking weirdos!
I mean, imagine having an incredibly hot boyfriend who is always impeccably dressed, cooks a gourmet meal at least once a day every day, and amazing in the sack, but also likes to remind you from time to time—and not very subtly—that one day he’s going to not only eat you, but maybe even slowly feed you to yourself. Still hot?
There’s this great scene earlier in the season from when Hannibal and Bedelia are masquerading as a married couple in Italy and they have someone over for a dinner party.
Hannibal being Hannibal, there’s an exquisite feast on the table, but he’s also made a special dish just for Bedelia. Their guest points out jokingly that what she’s eating—oysters, acorns, and marsala—is what the Romans fed cattle in order to improve their flavor. Bedelia replies that her husband has a sophisticated palate and
Every time I think about this I die and am resurrected again by how this is the best oral sex joke of all time, that’s also possibly the best cannibalism joke on a show three seasons long that has a handful of them on every single episode.
I love Hannibal so much and how Bryan Fuller and his crew use Gillian Anderson in it, quite possibly the best use of her on anything she’s ever been in since the middle seasons of The X-Files—and I say this as a massive fan of The Fall. The Italian section of S3 is shot even more lushly than the preceding seasons, in its choice of costumes just as much as its sets, and what better visual backdrop is there for a woman who has always looked straight out of a John Singer Sargent portrait, especially when she’s mysterious, withholding, and married to the devil himself.
Bless Fuller for delighting in giving Anderson the most improbably long, dense pieces of dialogue, because it’s so satisfying to watch her work her way through them—very few actors could ever even manage them, especially on TV, and her scenes in this season are a joy and a gift.
If I had my way, Fuller would be writing an episode of X-Files S11! (And Chris Carter would be writing none!)
2/3rds of me is from people colonized for 33 years by the other 1/3rd of me, and then another 48 by the US after that, plus I really don’t like turkey very much, so other than the time I was cast as a pilgrim in Mrs Nelson’s kindergarten class for Saint Peter School’s Thanksgiving pageant, I’ve never really cared much about Thanksgiving. This tweet I saw yesterday captures my sentiment perfectly:
Thanksgiving celebrates the worst qualities of white people: colonialism and the world’s most bland cuisine.
— jendziura (@jendziura) November 17, 2012
I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love that the Museum of Natural History astrophysicist/everyone’s nerd crush Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) has been exchanging tweets with the NASA’s Curiosity rover (@MarsCuriosity) on the eve of its historical touchdown on Mars. Seriously, you guys, this thing makes it clear that English just doesn’t have enough synonyms for delight.
The day we stop exploring is the day we commit ourselves to live in a stagnant world, devoid of curiosity, empty of dreams.
— Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) August 4, 2012
More on Curiosity from CNET: Curiosity closes in on Mars for high-stakes descent.
From Lunch Poems, by Frank O’Hara:
Song (Is it dirty)
Is it dirty
does it look dirty
that’s what you think of in the citydoes it just seem dirty
that’s what you think of in the city
you don’t refuse to breathe do yousomeone comes along with a very bad character
he seems attractive. is he really. yes very
he’s attractive as his character is bad. is it. yesthat’s what you think of in the city
run your finger along your no-moss mind
that’s not a thought that’s sootand you take a lot of dirt off someone
is the character less bad. no. it improves constantly
you don’t refuse to breathe do you
Going to read this poem to myself every day for the next week or so as a meditation.
[ via Brain Pickings ]
Pretty much every single paragraph of director Peter Bogdanovich’s 1999 New York Times piece on his friend Alfred Hitchcock is gold, but this one is platinum:
My own favorite memory of Hitchcock comes from an incident at the St. Regis Hotel in New York in 1964. After some frozen daiquiris had left me a bit tipsy and Hitch quite red-faced and cheerful, we got on the elevator at the 25th floor and rode in silence to the 19th, where, when three people dressed for the evening entered, he suddenly turned to me and said, ”Well, it was quite shocking, I must say there was blood everywhere!” I was confused, thinking that because of the daiquiris I’d missed something, but he just went right on: ”There was a stream of blood coming from his ear and another from his mouth.” Of course, everyone in the elevator had recognized him but no one looked over. Two more people from the 19th floor entered as he continued: ”Of course, there was a huge pool of blood on the floor and his clothes were splattered with it. Oh! It was a horrible mess. Well, you can imagine . . . ” It felt as if no one in the elevator, including me, was breathing. He now glanced at me, I nodded dumbly, and he resumed: ”Blood all around! Well, I looked at the poor fellow and I said, ‘Good God, man, what’s happened to you?” And then, just as the elevator doors opened onto the lobby, Hitchcock said, ”And do you know what he told me?” and paused. With reluctance, the passengers now all moved out of the elevator and looked anxiously at the director as we passed them in silence. After a few foggy moments, I asked, ”So what did he say?” And Hitch smiled beatifically and answered, ”Oh, nothing — that’s just my elevator story.”
Norwegian crime writer Jo Nesbø, on striking while the iron is hot:
When you write, it’s important to do it while you have the enthusiasm for the idea. Maybe the most important period of your writing is when you are convinced that your idea is the best idea any writer ever has had. So you have to use that energy, because the time will come when you wake up in the morning and you will doubt your idea. And then it’s good that you have already more than half–
I write better long form pieces if I’ve sat on them for a while to think the core ideas through, but for other projects this is completely spot on to me—I need to get better at making time to sit down and execute those kinds of projects (even if it’s just in rudimentary ways) instead of just jotting my ideas down and promptly forgetting about them.
Critical feedback should be a) actionable b) motivating. b-only: you're a cheerleader. a-only: you're a critic. neither: you're a dick.
— jgehtland (@jgehtland) February 10, 2012
Seeing this in my Twitter stream just now was a very helpful kick in the butt as I’ve been avoiding finishing an email for months now to a friend who’s asked me what I think about his first novel, for fear of being a dick.
I’m torn between being completely honest, as he’s asked me to be—and as friends and employers know to expect whenever they ask for my opinion on something—and knowing there’s nothing to be done about the things I disliked even if I convince him of my POV because it’s already printed and comes out soon. I loved the book, so why be a dick? His argument is it’ll be something to consider for the next novel, but my inner Admiral Ackbar says this is a trap. What to do?
[ via amishrobot ]
“Just assume that every time you yell over nothing majorly life-threatening you’re actively destroying your relationship. This one always gets me. I don’t know how people who yell and fuss constantly can expect anyone to stick around. It’s total self-sabotage, and only maladjusted people will tolerate it.”
“I want to belong in this city I didn’t grow up in; I want to call a bodega mine and have the guy behind the counter know what kind I smoke, even if he won’t talk to me. Even better! That’s so New York!”
I enjoyed reading Diane Kale’s Dépanneurs vs. Bodegas: What Corner Stores Say About a City, though I disagree with her on the nature of belonging in New York—in many ways, the city belongs to those of us who’ve made our way here and have chosen to stay more than it does to those who were lucky enough to be born here and’ve never been anywhere else. In a city that’s been built on the backs of immigrants from day one, there will always be a particular beauty to dreaming a dream and then choosing to make it real for yourself.