movable type

jonbenet’s pink sweater

If, in the midst of the media furor over JonBenet Ramsey’s newly-alleged killer and total creepazoid John Mark Karr, you’ve wondered why you haven’t seen the famous photo of the little girl in her bright pink sweater that was all over our tv screens and newspapers ten years ago—you know, the one so iconic you can even buy it painted on black velvet—a single time this past week, here’s the answer courtesy of AP Worldwide:
Sometime last week the original source decided to pull permission for this image and now news outlets are required to not just stop using it in current stories but to eliminate it from their archives and servers. I don’t know who owns the copyright of this photo or what the reason for pulling it was (money, maybe?), but doing it an entire decade after it’s already burned into all of our brains seems futile.

two views of snakes on a plane

To make up to the world wide web for snooty bastards like J.Ko, I offer up this, my second Snakes on a Plane post, featuring my two current favorite Snakes on a Plane remixes.
1. im on ur plane, killin ur snakes
2. all your snakes are belong to us

I saw muthafuckin’ Snakes on a muthafuckin’ Plane last Thursday in the same theater as Matty and fully endorse his review. See it with a big group in a crowded theater, preferably after you’ve had a little alcohol, and as is true of life in general, don’t take yourself too seriously. It’s a fun summer action blockbuster—that’s what it set out to be, that’s what it is, that’s all it needs to be.
(Oh, and if anyone tries to tell you it’s a bad movie, let alone “the worst movie of the summer”? Tell them to go see Lady in the Water. Now that, that was an unmitigated piece of shit.)
Previously: Samuel L Jackson on The Daily Show.

samuel l jackson on the daily show

I don’t care whether you think you’re completely over—or above—all of the Snakes on a Plane hype or if like me you’ve already bought tickets to see it on opening day (which is tomorrow, if you live in New York), if you missed Samuel L Jackson talking to Jon Stewart on last night’s Daily Show you owe it to yourself to watch it now, rarely will you ever see two grown men completely and unabashedly having so much fun. In a multimedia dictionary, this would be the clip to help define “giddy”.

shane king from living dolls

One of my favorite documentaries of all time is 2001’s Living Dolls: The Making of a Child Beauty Queen, written and directed by Shari Cookson. If you’ve never seen it, you really owe it to yourself to track it down, it’s an incredible look at the child beauty pageant subculture that will both amuse you and leave you dumbfounded at the way the children are treated and objectified. Rich of FourFour recently uploaded one of the craziest moments from the entire thing, pageant coach Shane King demonstrating a modeling routine for a four year-old contestant:

I have watched this clip approximately 321 times in the past two days.