
my one place

“I upload photos to Flickr almost daily, blethered on Twitter with some regularity and most recently have fallen in love with Path. But the place that used to be my heart and soul online? Nada. It used to be that our home pages were the one place we had to express ourselves. Now, we’re torn hither and yon across the internet.” Heather completely nailed why I decided to start blogging again.

let oprah decide

35-year-old yoga teacher/performance artist/blogger spends a year living according to the dictum of Oprah Winfrey: “With some of the things, like the clothes, in the beginning I was like, ‘How dare she tell me what to wear! I’m an individual!'” Ms. Okrant said. “But recently, when I went shopping with my mom, I was really excited to fulfill some of the rules. I felt kind of proud of myself. It takes a huge amount of pressure off to be handed a spiritual path.”
And yes, you guys, this is somehow from the New York Times and not The Onion.

donkey kong jenga! yes!

I love it when people mash two of my favorite things together to come up with something awesome, and then actually manage to get it into production. Say, for example, Donkey Kong Jenga, now available for preorder for $24.99—a new instant must-have for nerds who like to have friends over. [ via Topless Robot ]