If you took a photo of my soul at its happiest, this is what it would look like.
Borat wearing a neon green banana thong at Cannes. A few months old, I know, but worth seeing again now that the summer’s winding down.
Star Trek Inspirational Posters. My favorite is the San Francisco one on page two, I always wondered about it as a kid. [ via negatendo ]
Kiki and Herb Finally Grow Up—But Is Broadway Ready For It? The always awesome Choire on my beloved Kiki & Herb, in yesterday’s Observer. As the Seattle Weekly said last year, “you haven’t lived till you’ve heard a sozzled drag queen crooning, “Wu-Tang, motherfucker”—or turning the Mountain Goats’ harrowing “No Children” (“I hope I lie/And tell everyone you were a good wife/ And I hope you die/I hope we both die”) into an almost sweet-tempered duet with her long-suffering sidekick.” (Hint: the double cd of their sold-out Carnegie Hall show is amazing.)
Real-Life Eloises. Travel + Leisure’s Lisa Birnbach talks to people who live full-time in NYC hotels, a lifestyle I’ve always thought fascinating and apparently incorrectly thought was on the way out. “It is notable that “room service” tops almost everyone’s list of desirable hotel amenities, even though every imaginable type of cuisine at every level of taste and expensiveness is available through neighborhood delivery. Maybe it’s the removal of room service—the not having to clean up afterward—that really whets everybody’s appetite.” [ via Joe. My. God. ]
“If you catch someone dancing by themselves to a song, you have to tape it and post it on the Internet. Even if it is your mom.” Stephen Sysak caught his mom dancing to Natasha Bedingfield’s Unwritten. I love that she knows the words to it! So cute. [ via Get Excited ]
CollegeHumor finally totally sells out to The Man, i.e. Barry Diller, whose IAC/InterActiveCorp just bought 51% in Connected Ventures LLC in a deal Gawker says is “quite a bit higher” than $20 million. Nice!
Big Chill of ’36: Show Celebrates Giant Depression-Era Pools That Cool New York. Fantastic NYT piece about the eleven outdoor pools that opened in the city during the summer of 1936, triggered by the ongoing exhibition SPLASH! A 70th Anniversary Celebration of New York City’s WPA Pools. 77 photos plus historic renderings and never-before-seen color films of the pools, and all for free, at the Arsenal in Central Park.
Foster Care Cinderellas Spend a Fairy-Tale Night. I was really moved by this piece in the LA Times about a life-skills camp for teenage girls and young women leaving foster care, many for the first time in their lives. Eva, who’s been in the system since birth, “doesn’t like it if someone says she’s blossoming like a flower. “I’d much rather be a tree,” she said. “Trees stand still and I just want to stand still.”
dgray_xplane’s favorite photos on Flickr. At a staggering 11,285 photos starred, Dave Gray has more than five times as many favorites as David Jacobs, which is both beautiful and terrifying. How many have you got? (I’ve got 518.)