Dangerous Beauty: The Art of the Shiv, a collection of shivs confiscated from a maximum security prison in the 70s. “By law, prisoners must be provided materials to have an opportunity to prepare their own legal defenses. In the 1980s, typewriters were made available for this purpose: the long, notched “spear” here is the carriage return from a prison-issued typewriter.”
Super Mario Bros: A Literary Criticism. “Right after he has apparently slid down a flagpole (a strong reference to receiving anal sex), he finds himself in the proverbial sewers, already feeling a deep low from his initial hits wearing off. But after more anal sex, he is high in the mountains, which psychadelically appear as gigantic mushrooms, an obvious result of his hallucinatory state.” [ via Negatendo ]
Be an Expert on Anything, by Stephen Colbert. “Speak from the balls not from the diaphragm. In the expert game, you’ve got to have sack. That means speaking with confidence. In America, you’ve got to steer clear of nuance and ambivalence – and don’t even contemplate doubt.”
Aaron’s tattoos are more awesome than yours. I don’t care what your tattoos are like, his will beat yours down into the ground and not even break a sweat; woodcut-style looks so lovely on skin. (Ranjit, you need to get a Dokonjo Daikon tattoo!)
How to sniff out the nerds at work via chat, a short demonstration by Andrew.
“Could YOU date someone whose home looks like this?” asks my friend Chris. When you see the photo you will understand why the only appropriate answer is, as one of my exes would say, HELLS NO.
Hack your way out of writer’s block, from 43 Folders. Minus points for the egregious (even in 2004) misuse of “hack” but extra plus points for having useful tips. What usually works best for me is moving on to write something else for a while, even if it’s just a paragraph or two.
Marcos Chin is the artist responsible for those gorgeous illustrations of impossibly willowy people in Lavalife’s subway posters. I’ll never understand how could they hire someone to make such lovely art for their ads and then have such an ugly website for potential customers to end up on. [ via Drawn! ]
How to do a pixel head, a tutorial by Craig Robinson of Flip Flop Flyin’. [ via kottke.org ]
Pointed Shoes and Pocket Squares, a LiveJournal community for relationship fanfic about Stacy London and Clinton Kelly of TLC’s What Not To Wear, some of it NC17. I wonder how many of these poor deluded folks are also Claymates?