Diesel Sweeties: “America invented Coca-Cola, yet it’s the only place where Coke tastes like boiled ass.” Okay, so it’s total hyperbole—even made with corn syrup, a cold Coke over ice cubes on a hot day is one of the most satisfying things humanity’s ever produced—but cane sugar is just so much better. Damn corn subsidies!
Dockdrop makes uploading photos to Flickr or files to a server through FTP, WebDAV or SCP as simple as, well, dropping files onto its dock icon. I love it when a product’s screencast demo proves it’s as easy to use as it says it is.
Penny Arcade, on what makes a troll: “Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad”
Design world superstar Stefan Sagmeister says the framework he works with is whether you can touch someone’s heart with design: “Quite a while back, a friend of mine named Reini was coming to New York and was worried none of the sophisticated New York women were going to talk to him. So we ran a poster on the Lower East Side that had his photo on it and said, “Girls, please be nice to Reini.” He got a girlfriend out of it.”
This totally slays me: Alone In The City of Order & Desire. Oh Kfan, If I had Warren Buffett money, I’d give you a full-time position just being awesome all over the internet.
I’ve been enjoying Fashionista for a while and was pleasantly surprised to see that they picked my friend Dan as the star of their daily street photo feature last Friday. He always looks effortlessly cool, we should all be so stylish.
The Strand‘s classic tote bags are iconic for New Yorkers and out-of-town bookworms, but the first three bags in their new Artist Series are fantastic—David Hockney’s and Art Spiegelman’s are lovely, but my heart belongs to Adrian Tomine’s. [ via Racked]
“If you think of Matthew McConaughey as a celebrity product, he’s one of the most consistently branded and immediately recognizable products on the planet. In most photos, he is a) on a beach, b) in shorts, c) holding a surfboard, d) wearing a do-rag, e) drunk, or most often f) a combination of at least 3 of these. Matthew McConaughey is his own logo, and it looks like this.“ (Posts like these are why I love Amy’s Robot so much, and why you should too.)
Helen Mirren, on the perils of youth: “Your twenties are torture, really, because you don’t know what you are going to be or whether it’s all going to work out, and you are supposedly an adult but you haven’t really learnt anything. You’re always looking for your own place in the world, but you’re insecure – you think you’re wonderful one minute and you think you’re a disaster the next. I think your thirties are a wonderful time.”
McCain Makes Historic First Visit to Internet: “McCain aides said that the senator’s journey to the Internet will span five days and will take him to such far-flung sites as Amazon.com, eBay and Facebook.” [ via The Morning News ]