My friend Todd’s movie portmanteaus are pretty great: “No Country for Grumpy Old Men: Anton Chiguhr, now in his late 70s, has a humorous feud with his cantankerous neighbor over the new hottie who has moved next door.”
How to unlock everything in Mario Kart Wii—and there’s a lot of stuff to unlock. I think it’s a great touch that you get Rosalina quicker if you have a saved game of Super Mario Galaxy, and it’s nice to have another female character to play with, even if her voice/lines in the game are incredibly annoying.
Lynchings in Congo as penis theft panic hits capital: “It’s real. Just yesterday here, there was a man who was a victim. We saw. What was left was tiny,” said 29-year-old Alain Kalala, who sells phone credits near a Kinshasa police station.” lets you keep track of your menstrual cycles; it’s free, simple to use, easy on the eyes, and once you’ve put enough data into it, gives you data about your cycles and warns you by email when your next period is about to hit. I think the only way it could be better is if it delivered tampons, put my heating pad in the microwave and massaged my feet.
Audio portrait of a wet blowjob and whispered dirty talk. Part IV. Clayton Cubitt has been posting these for a while but this is the first one I’ve actually listened to; I thought it probably be gross but it’s actually very intimate—and really, really hot. I wonder what it would be like to listen to this on my iPod during a long subway ride.
My favorite restaurant in Chinatown, New Green Bo on Bayard, turned ten recently and changed their name: “We’re 10 years old, and we have so many nice customers, so we made it Nice Green Bo.” I love that. [ via Eater ]
Japanese Anatomical Charts, beautiful, delicate and a bit mad, over at the Morbid Anatomy blog.
Carl Zimmer’s Science Tattoo Emporium: “Underneath their sober lab coats and flannel shirts, scientists hide images of their scientific passions. Here they are revealed to all.” [ via PixelFish ]
One perk of being in a polygamous cult: great hair. The Guardian made me laugh today! [ via Amy’s Robot ]
I put off reading The GQ Q&A: Keith Richards for a few days, which I came to regret after getting to the seventh paragraph, in which we learn that he wears purple Uggs. Let me repeat that: Keith Richards wears purple Uggs. Things just keep getting better and better the further you go—and I mean that non-ironically, you hipster asshole. This is seriously one of my favorite interviews of all time.