Peter Pan has finally found his Tinkerbell—Randy Constan is engaged, seven years after posting his search for his Tink, becoming an internet sensation and winning a Webby in the Weird category. You have no idea how happy this news makes me!
Librophiliac Love Letter: A Compendium of Beautiful Libraries. Speaking of crushes, is it possible to have a crush on a blog post? This collection of photos makes me absolutely giddy. [ via higa ]
Vampire vs Moose Distribution Map. Alaska resident David McCreath explains why there are no moose in the recent movie 30 Days of Night, something the bloodsucker-averse might want to take into consideration when househunting.
The Visual Erotics of Mini-Marriages, by Rachel Poliquin from the November/December 2007 issue of The Believer. I find it impossible to resist a piece subtitled “the appeal of tiny nuptials between children, stuffed kittens, and other small, cute things”, and I suspect you will too. [ via SlithyTove ]
Sticky Pig Candy Stripes, a recipe for candied bacon at Delicious Days. Yes please!
“Remember, Technoviking does not dance to the music, the music dances to Technoviking.” The man himself makes his appearance 39 seconds in and it just keeps getting better and better. Damn Andrew sent me a link to this video almost two weeks ago and I’m still not over it.
Five Ways Jane Austen Never Died, by Samantha Henderson: “Cassandra is away, visiting our brother and sister and their innumerable brood. My mother is nursing a migraine with her feet up on the best sofa in the parlor. And Jane is coming up the stairs. I draw my modified Glock and stand, waiting in the shadows.” Short, sweet, and so very, very good. [ via kfan ]
Henderson links to her web-available stories at her site,, so you should go over there and read them all post-haste! Shoo!
Morbid Anatomy: Surveying the Interstices of Art and Medicine, Death and Culture is my new favorite blog, I think. Agent Scully would approve. [ via MetaFilter ]
Alexyss Tylor, on the importance of Vagina Power: “Cause if we are in a lower level of it, and we hooked on the penis power, and this man won’t even buy you some shrimp from Long John Silver’s – and what, that plate, what, $2.99?” (Thank you MetaFilter users for partial transcripts.)