best of,, movable type

marvel swimsuit special

Andy Baio linked to Video game gals take it off for Playboy yesterday and asked, “what’s next, the Ladies of Marvel Comics?”
rogue & gambit
It’s not quite the same thing, but people who were comic book nerds in the early 90s might remember that Marvel did actually publish special swimsuit issues once a year from 91 through 95. The first was called Marvel Illustrated Swimsuit Issue (cause, you know) but subsequent editions were called the Marvel Swimsuit Special. I have copies of Illustrated and Swimsuit Special 92 in my old room back at my mom’s house and remember them fondly, they were totally tongue-in-cheek, complete with cheesy ads starring your favorite characters, like Wolverine shilling for Macho Deodorant. The commentary was mostly funny and the art was great (even though this was right about the time that Rob Liefeld‘s distorted anatomy style was taking off).
You can see covers from 91 to 93 on Rogue was on the covers of both 93 and 94, sharing the second one (the “Mad for Madripoor!” issue) with Gambit; you can see those covers on this French Rogue fansite, which is where I got the Brothers Hildebrandt illustration of Rogue and Gambit on an alien beach you see above.
Rogue’s Swimsuit Pinup Page has a bunch of pictures of scantily clad X-Men characters of the female persuasion, some of which come from Swimsuit Special issues; the best ones are Storm and Kitty Pryde in bikinis, Rogue diving off a waterfall, Jean Grey in a pond, Domino and Cable (!!!) in bikinis, Rachel Summers with the Phoenix Force and hanging out with demons, and finally a spread of the X-Men ladies lounging under a waterfall.
Alas, the only group pinup I could find online of Marvel men is a small scan of Wolverine, The Thing, Beast and The Hulk in trunks,though I must say it was one of my favorites when I got the magazine. Immortal’s Professional Artwork page has scans from all five Swimsuit issues; my favorites are Thor’s Flic disposable razor ad, beach bum Thor and Enchantress doing a L’il Kim impression before there even was a L’il Kim.

16 thoughts on “marvel swimsuit special

  1. At first I thought this post was going to be about female gamers who were posing in Playboy, and it made me think of Stevie “Killcreek” Case, who grew up in my hometown of Olathe, Kansas. I had her father for a science teacher one year and remember her as a frizzy-haired hippie girl. After hooking up with John Romero, developing games, and getting tons of Quake money, she straightened her hair, got some new boobs, and was featured in a Playboy Online photo spread. She’s a hella long way from that frizzy-haired Kansas girl now.

  2. Ahh the memories, I had my first chubbies because of those comics, God bless Marvel. You know come to think about it, that was a great time period in comics to be a tween, the stories sucked but the art was ah hem.. proportionally flattering. I thank you Jim Lee, Hildebrandt Brothers, Chris Bachalo, Mark Silvestri, Adam Hughes, J Scott Campbell and Joe Madureira, you made many boys happy.

  3. Seeing Rogue and Gambit brings back memories of a good childhood reading X-men comics. Those two were my favorite X-men couple.
    Because Cyclops and Jean Grey had a relationship that I considered simple and shallow, because he is the typical jock and she is the typical cheerleader type.

  4. Thanks for sharing, Chewy!
    Edrie, to me the only reason they’ve ever bothered keeping Cyclops and Jean Grey together is that it makes the tension when she interacts with Wolverine even more delicious.

  5. Marvel Swimsuit Issues

    Being a fairly recent convert to the world of superhero comics, until I read Lia’s post at I had no idea that Marvel did a run of superhero spoofs of the annual Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.Fun as some of the scans from the swimsuit …

  6. Don’t forget Tigra. Since Greer Nelson was transformed into the were-cat, she’s seldom been seen except in her black bikini. I can’t think of a much more unsuitable costume on a cold New York City day. No wonder she moved to the West Coast Avengers!

  7. I love the site and thanks for the chance to reminice over some of the comics ive lost to a fire which burned my home this is a great site keep up the good work.

  8. I agree with Chad. Reminiscing through the history of swimsuits in comic books was a wonderful way to spend a half an hour.

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