, movable type

renew, refresh

As most of you probably know, I recently finished up with grad school; my portfolio and resume are more than three years old and therefore badly in need of updating, so of course the first thing I did was… redesign this here weblog. Here are a few of my thoughts behind the overhaul:

  • I’ve been writing about food over at A Full Belly since April and I’ve really come to like being able to write short posts over there, which I’ve never been comfortable doing on here mainly because of how I’d laid the site out. So the biggest part of this redesign was switching the menu to the top and bottom of the pages to make room on the side for my new links log quick bites, mainly inspired by Andy, Simon Carless and, natch, Anil‘s late lamented sidebar. For those of you who prefer things syndicated, it comes with its own feeds: RSS 2.0 and Atom.
  • If you read the site via RSS 2.0, you’ll now get to see the comments and trackbacks for every post. If you’d like to do the same with your feeds: Simple RSS Customization.
  • No more static header graphic anywhere in the near future, no matter what I put up there I get sick of it eventually! I love being able to share my life via moblog with all my friends on Flickr and so I decided I would make the photos more accessible to my regular readers as well, hence the thumbnails of my nine most recent photos at the top of the page.
  • Comments are awesome, but like Heather I too hate zeros. Current solution: make a little pixelly comment balloon in Photoshop and stick that in. I think it’s super cute but is it inviting enough? Do you prefer knowing how many people have commented already, or are you willing to break the ice? Please let me know, I’m more than happy to tweak with this for usability’s sake.

Next two things will be reintroducing a blogroll, as I’ve sorely missed having one, and finally (finally!) adding tags.

14 thoughts on “renew, refresh

  1. Nice redesign; but yes, I do like to know if an entry has any comments on it so I don’t have to click through to each archived post to check. Maybe you could insert a non-zero number before or after the bubble? (i.e. if there are 1 or more comments)

  2. Love the new look! It’s cute, modern, and sassy! Agree with hitormiss – maybe you can use one of the MT conditional tags to decide whether to include the # of comments?

  3. The ayes have it! Okay, so now my plan is to spend some time with MTEntryIfComments tonight so that whenever a post has comments the balloon turns from empty to one with a heart in it:
    + comments =
    A subtler way of saying “I am a comment whore! Give me love!”, no? I’ll try the main blog with numbers and quick bites without, we’ll see how that goes.

  4. I love the re-do (and nice idea for the comments!), but imagine my dismay when I came home from work today and saw that (gasp!) the site looks better in IE for Windows than it does in Safari! TRAITORESS! All the nice pink stuff is gone in Safari!

  5. …Aaaaaand I’m a moron. Safari just hadn’t finished loading your new stylesheet, apparently. I retract my harsh epithet.

  6. Finally got around to fixing the comments like I wanted, the main blog gets comment numbers + heart balloon and quick bites just gets the balloon. Maybe I’ll go the tooltips route like David suggested, maybe not. Thanks for the feedback, all!

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