dave’s faves > david’s faves > your faves
dgray_xplane’s favorite photos on Flickr. At a staggering 11,285 photos starred, Dave Gray has more than five times as many favorites as David Jacobs, which is both beautiful and terrifying. How many have you got? (I’ve got 518.)
I have a paltry 34, but I’ve been trying to use the feature more. One day I’ll be neck and neck with dj.
I have 401 which I think is at the upper limit of what I really need – but 10,000+ wtf?
I have friends who don’t use it at all, even though they visit Flickr multiple times a day, which I don’t understand. Do they not have favorite photos that they want to see again? I star photos that give me little frissons of happiness every time I see them, so I can see them again and share them with others.
If you like them, fave them! Everyone likes to be appreciated.
Good point, Dave! More favoriting from me from now on!