, movable type

why does sf hate delicious things?

New York City has a quota of 3,000 street food licenses with a years-long waiting list and the Vendy Awards, an annual cook-off to celebrate the city’s best food carts. Meanwhile San Francisco, by all accounts an equally food-obsessed city, only has 120 licensed pushcarts—and 71 of them are inside a ballpark. Why so few carts on the streets?

Rules include leaving 10 unobstructed feet of pedestrian passage, not being within 18 inches of a curb, not stopping on sidewalks with colored curbs, not being within 12 feet of a building’s entrance, and not selling food available in restaurants within 600 feet. Entrepreneurs complain that year-round licenses forbid cooking on the carts, so food can’t be fresh but must be prepared ahead and reheated.

Also: no carts within 1,500 of a school. Oh SF, you nanny state, you!
Previously: my town can take your town.

3 thoughts on “why does sf hate delicious things?

  1. I guess that means you, too, are a douchey customer, since you’ve patronized China 1. shouldn’t you be back in NJ at your parents McMansion? sure put down the asian establishments, ’cause deep inside you’re just putting down yourself. how’s your douchebag white boyfriend? asians not good enough for you? damn materialistic, shallow flinkie.

  2. I have my facts straight. Do you? Everything to you is just based on assumptions, which flips are notorious for; and, oh yeah, they’re very proud, too, hence the attachments too superficiality and materialism and the whites. anything otherwise is inferior to you.

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